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    來源:      瀏覽:      發(fā)布日期:2023-04-25 14:38


    Part 1





    Article 1

    Subject: History

    Title: ……

    About French Industrial Revolution


    Article 2

    Subject: Astronomy

    Title:  The Formation of Early Earth

    Abstract: The passage mainly told about the main phenomenon in the formation of earth: heat accumulation by substances collision and fusion as well as radioactive substances emission, and the formation of earth magnetic field and its variations under the influence of solar wind.


    Article 3

    Subject: Psychology

    Title: Motor Development in Children

    Abstract: ……


    Article 4

    Subject: History

    Title: ……

    Abstract: The passage mainly tells about development of the salt industry under the official monopoly system in Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties of China, as well as the rise of private salt trade. (元明清三代鹽業(yè)官營制度下鹽業(yè)發(fā)展與私鹽貿(mào)易出現(xiàn))


    Article 5

    Subject: Astronomy

    Title: Origin of the Solar System

    Abstract:  The primordial / proto sun was created during nebula cloud collapse under the joint-influences of external force (shock waves from supernova explosion) and internal gravitational contraction. Inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars)were formed after the internal gravitational contraction and heating process ended, then outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) were developing along with extensive satellite system.

    推薦閱讀:tpo16 planets in our system


    Article 6

    Subject: Astronomy

    Title: Jupiter's Moon Io (木衛(wèi)一)

    Abstract:  the passage tells about the characteristics of Io, compared with other three major satellites of Jupiter: smooth surface, much sulphur in particles and much molten material erupted by volcanos, uncircular orbit around Jupiter.


    Article 7

    Subject: Palaeontology

    Title: Study of Ancient Insect Fossils

    Abstract:  insect fossils are scarce. there are two ways for insects fossils to be preserved, ambers and rock sediments. unearthed insect fossils help to understand about that period and more information of evolution.



    Article 1


    Subject: Geology

    Title: (……

    Abstract: The passage introduces three ways of stone dimorphism: oxidization(氧化), hydrolyzation(水解), and weathering(風(fēng)化).


    Article 2

    Subject: Anthropology

    Title: (to be followed up....)

    About Maya Culture, its settlements, social stratum, religious architectures, rituals and arts, language and writing system.




    Article 1

    Subject: History

    Title: Transportation and American Development

    Abstract: The passage first introduces the development of steamboats and canals that connected central and eastern areas (especially from New York to Great Lakes Region) and that boosted a larger market access and business success, then introduces the development of steam trains and railways (especially centered in Chicago) network constructions that facilitated greater economic and city development, finally points out railway railway transportaion's superority over canal.


    Article 2

    Subject: Paleontology

    Title: Bird fossils and Evolution

    Abstract: Scientists unearthed the earliest bird fossils, whose traits of wings, feathers, claws and tail well resemble those of reptiles', which strongly proves that birds are descendants of dinosaurs.


    Article 3

    Subject:  sociology

    Title: Agriculture of Atlanta



    Article 4

    Subject: ecology 


    Abstract: The tropical rainforest has a high diversity of species, comparing it with the desert, and talking about the competition of certain plants.


    Article 5

    Subject: ecology


    Abstract: About American mining industry and environmental protection


    Article 6

    Subject:  sociology


    Abstract: The impacts of the Nile on Egyptian agriculture, such as helping with irrigation, the relative specifics of the two branches of the Nile, and the periodic rise and fall of the Nile bringing about the deposition of many nutrients



    Article 1


    Subject: Biology

    Title: Flamingo (火烈鳥)

    Abstract: The passage discusses about flamingo's biological features (feathers and feet) and explains some of biological behaviors (prey and compete within group).


    Article 2

    Subject: archaeology

    Title: Copper coins of the Song Dynasty

    Abstract: ……


    Article 3

    Subject: biology

    Title: Flamingo

    Abstract: The passage discusses about flamingo's biological features (feathers and feet) and explains some of biological behaviors (prey and compete within group). 



    Article 1


    Subject: Art

    Title: ……

    Abstract: the passage introduces a photographer, who started his art life in Berlin and gradually had his own artistic style as a pictorialist. He later split up with other pictorialists and opened his own art galleries that helped introduce many works of other styles, which was deemed as a revolutionary symbol of that time.


    Article 2


    Subject: Archaeology

    Title:  化石研究

    Abstract:  Scientific research into the earliest fossils to gain archaeological data, to explore its forming environments and its relations with early life forms.


    Article 3


    Subject: History

    Title: 羅馬對歐洲的影響

    Abstract:  Roman influences to Europe: science & technology, political ruling, monetary system, citizens customs and clothing.



    Article 1

    Subject: geography

    Title: ……

    Abstract: :Ocean currents are created by joint influence of monsoon (季風(fēng)) and Coriolis Force(地球自轉(zhuǎn)偏向力). Surface currents and deep currents are generated by water temperature and salinity differences. Currents movements bring nutrients in deep ocean to surface, which is essential to ecological balance. 40% of heat exchange between tropical and pole regions are accomplished by ocean currents.


    Article 2


    Subject: Geography

    Title: Ocean Currents

    Abstract: Ocean currents are created by joint influence of monsoon (季風(fēng)) and Coriolis Force(地球自轉(zhuǎn)偏向力). Surface currents and deep currents are generated by water temperature and salinity differences. Currents movements bring nutrients in deep ocean to surface, which is essential to ecological balance. 40% of heat exchange between tropical and pole regions are accomplished by ocean currents.



    Article 1


    Subject: Biology

    Title: Keeping Body Temperature

    Abstract: Scientists usually divide animals into two categories: Poikilotherm (/?p??k?l?(?)?θ??m/ n.  變溫動物), whose body temperatures vary with surrounding environment, and Homoeotherm (/?h??m????θ??m/n. 溫血動物,恒溫動物), whose body temperatures remain independent from surrounding environment. Under this category, animals ability to regulate temperatures depends on heat conductance of environment. Later, scientists find some defects on this sorting technique, and divide animals into two categories from a new perspective: endotherm and ectotherm, depending on whether the species has an internal heat source. But the latter sorting technique also has its own defects.


    Part 2









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